Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Is The Difference Between Jordans

born in Spain, the first child without a gene linked to cancer

For the first time in Spain, Catalan researchers have presented the first genetically selected baby before birth to avoid suffering a mutation strongly linked to breast cancer.

A woman came with her partner assisted reproduction program in Barcelona to avoid the long family history of cancer to offspring.

Once approved, the preimplantation genetic diagnosis procedure is simple, consists in several eggs fertilized for several embryos, of which select only those who lack the mutation in BRCA1 (gene carriers whose tumors often suffer the breast, ovaries or pancreas). Finally, two embryos were implanted but only one survived, becoming the first baby born in Spain free of genetic inheritance of cancer, although this does not mean they are free to 100% chance of having a cancer but the mutation that would have course have a chance of having a tumor of 80% at ages many earlier than normal.

Sources: The World


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