Friday, March 25, 2011

How To Tie A Double Loop Belt

the vistaaaa whale! Velo-city

Turmares company is to be dedicated to tourism with emphasis on "whale watching" in the Strait of Gibraltar. RAINBOW

Goes from the port of Tarifa to the Strait for whale watching and nautical Other Activities. It is the best boat for Those Who Want an adventurous trip in contact with nature.

Turmares - Whale Watching - Tarifa - Spain

Turmares Tarifa, SL is a company with 10 years dedicated to maritime tourism experience and in particular the "Whale Watching" in the Strait of Gibraltar.

We have 3 boats of various capacities, 150, 60 and 10 passengers prepared to meet the specific demands of each group. We are a team of professionals from the sea, aware of the Strait, between the biologists found that will give technical explanations about the different species of cetaceans.

Scientific research is an activity carried out further, taking the opportunity to sail regularly in the Strait to gather information of interest which are then studied and eventually produce scientific papers presented at the most important conferences related to cetaceans.

Corporate governance legislation is supported by the ISO 9,001 and 14,001 with the aim of maintaining and improving standards for quality and environmental preservation. We are registered in the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía and certified by Brand Natural Park of Andalusia. All these are indeed guarantee quality of services rendered and also shows the effort spent to achieve continuous improvement over time.

is an ecotourism activity, ie, based on nature tourism benefits that simultaneously affects the resource used, the whale and the environment as it provides the ideal framework for the development of environmental education and scientific research.

The probability of success is watching over 90% in all outlets with guaranteed free second chance in case of failure to comply with the target at the first attempt.

In the Strait of Gibraltar, declared a Biosphere Reserve Intercontinental by UNESCO in 2006, you can see up to seven species of cetaceans:
resident species (you can see all the year):

- Common dolphin

- Striped dolphin

- Bottlenose Dolphin

- Common Calderón semi
Species residents (presence associated with feeding times):

- Orca (can be seen from July to September)

- Sperm (seen mostly between March and July)
migratory species (using the Straits in the path):

- Fin whale (seen mainly between May and July)


Excursion Whale / Dolphin Orca

Tour Daily departures throughout the year

Price (VAT included):

€ 20 Children (4 to 14) and Retired Adults

€ 30 Free until 3 years

Hours: 11:00 am, 13:30 and 17:00 h
Duration: 2 hours

- Groups from 6 to 19 passengers: 15%
- Groups over 20 passengers: 20%
- Students: 20% chance of sighting

: 95%

Boats: Dolphin Safari or Jackie

Departures from Tarifa

realization Period: All year round the weather


Rainbow Boat Tour School Groups
Park Sailboat
Aroha Raji

out throughout the year

Price (VAT included):

€ 170 per hour -
Low Season € 200 per hour - high season (June 15 to September 15)

Minimum Length: 2 hours

Capacity: 10 passengers

sighting probability: 95%

Departures from Tarifa Conditioned

recommend: Waterproof clothing

INSURANCE All passengers are available Compulsory Passenger Insurance (SOV) as provided RD1575 of December 22, 1989.


not feed the animals, do not throw anything into the sea, do not shout, do not run on the boat and do not touch animals. Use camera without flash.

We will approach the animal with caution to avoid disturbing them, using the distance, direction and speed recommended by the English Legislation and Regulations ACCOBAMS.

ask that parents / guardians / teachers continuously occupy the children under their responsibility.

use camera without flash. As soon as we notice any sign of disturbance in the behavior of the animals leave the area where the animals. RECOMMEND BRING

Sunscreen, hat, coat and comfortable shoes. If you want to prevent motion sickness can take medicine half hour before boarding.



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