Saturday, March 26, 2011

What To Say In Sympathy Card In Spanish

Australia f1

ALONSO, fifth best time
Vettel continues to fly and gets pole position in Australia

begins as Red Bull finished last year, being the fastest one lap, and Germany has achieved the fastest time far enough.

Australia 2011 GP 3/26/2011

Digital Freedom
The German Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) and Britain's Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) will take tomorrow's front row of the starting formation of the Grand Prix of Australia, that Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) will start from the third row.

Alguersuari (Toro Rosso) will do from sixth after the German Michael Schumacher and the two Italian Vitantonio Liuzzi Hispania and Indian Narain Karthikeyan may not participate in the race after failing to roll under the time limit.
German Red Bull won the pole and Alonso will start from the third row
flies and Ferari Vettel disappointed

Fernando Alonso will start from the third row of the grid career exit at the Australia Grand Prix on Sunday after setting the fifth fastest time in qualifying. MARCO

CANSECO. Melbourne 03/26/1911 - 8:02.

Sebastian Vettel was on another planet and got a stratospheric times, well below what was expected at first in the qualifying session of the Grand Prix Formula 1 Australia contested this Saturday at the Albert path Park.

Reigning world champion took pole position smoothly and simply as a fact that was four tenths below last year. In fact it was the only time lowered its 2010 because this year mean that the cars are slower.

also was confirmed as McLaren jump at this Grand Prix with the new aero package and a Hamilton returned to live up to its reputation destroys timers, it slipped between the two Red Bull, something like a utopia complete before starting. Mark Webber, then, finished third, and form the second line of the grid alongside the other McLaren of Jenson Button.

Poor performance of the new Ferrari
The downside is the poor rendimietno F150 º Italy with Fernando Alonso, despite a superb final lap, was only fifth. Will start from the third row of the grid, accompanied by the Renault of Vitaly Petrov. Eighth place Felipe Massa gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere you are now more or less performance of this car.

poque is disappointing not expect this to what was seen in winter testing. Everyone thought that the difference between Red Bull and Ferrari would be smaller and when the truth has become clear that the house of energy drinks are much improved, or they were just hiding their cards in the preseason, "that McLaren has improved and that unexpectedly Italian car boot is not as good as desired. Bad luck for

Alguersuari Alguersuari, meanwhile, was scraping to get into Q3, but had no luck in the last attempt and had to settle for twelfth place. In that same round fell Michael Schumacher, a fellow Catalan Sunday in sixth row. It was thought, also seen in winter, which the Kaiser could be up to the Mercedes, but has seen what he did in Barcelona was purely cosmetic.
The downside of Hispania
negative note came from the hand of Hispania again. Karthikeyan did not qualify and neither Liuzzi nor got to be at 107 percent of the best time of Q1. With few laps, only two have given throughout the weekend before qualifying, it's almost the best thing that ever happened, to come to Malaysia a little more prepared.

almost certainly going to appeal to the FIA \u200b\u200bto reinstate them, but will start with opposition from Virgin, who did manage to get on merit.

Friday, March 25, 2011

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the vistaaaa whale! Velo-city

Turmares company is to be dedicated to tourism with emphasis on "whale watching" in the Strait of Gibraltar. RAINBOW

Goes from the port of Tarifa to the Strait for whale watching and nautical Other Activities. It is the best boat for Those Who Want an adventurous trip in contact with nature.

Turmares - Whale Watching - Tarifa - Spain

Turmares Tarifa, SL is a company with 10 years dedicated to maritime tourism experience and in particular the "Whale Watching" in the Strait of Gibraltar.

We have 3 boats of various capacities, 150, 60 and 10 passengers prepared to meet the specific demands of each group. We are a team of professionals from the sea, aware of the Strait, between the biologists found that will give technical explanations about the different species of cetaceans.

Scientific research is an activity carried out further, taking the opportunity to sail regularly in the Strait to gather information of interest which are then studied and eventually produce scientific papers presented at the most important conferences related to cetaceans.

Corporate governance legislation is supported by the ISO 9,001 and 14,001 with the aim of maintaining and improving standards for quality and environmental preservation. We are registered in the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía and certified by Brand Natural Park of Andalusia. All these are indeed guarantee quality of services rendered and also shows the effort spent to achieve continuous improvement over time.

is an ecotourism activity, ie, based on nature tourism benefits that simultaneously affects the resource used, the whale and the environment as it provides the ideal framework for the development of environmental education and scientific research.

The probability of success is watching over 90% in all outlets with guaranteed free second chance in case of failure to comply with the target at the first attempt.

In the Strait of Gibraltar, declared a Biosphere Reserve Intercontinental by UNESCO in 2006, you can see up to seven species of cetaceans:
resident species (you can see all the year):

- Common dolphin

- Striped dolphin

- Bottlenose Dolphin

- Common Calderón semi
Species residents (presence associated with feeding times):

- Orca (can be seen from July to September)

- Sperm (seen mostly between March and July)
migratory species (using the Straits in the path):

- Fin whale (seen mainly between May and July)


Excursion Whale / Dolphin Orca

Tour Daily departures throughout the year

Price (VAT included):

€ 20 Children (4 to 14) and Retired Adults

€ 30 Free until 3 years

Hours: 11:00 am, 13:30 and 17:00 h
Duration: 2 hours

- Groups from 6 to 19 passengers: 15%
- Groups over 20 passengers: 20%
- Students: 20% chance of sighting

: 95%

Boats: Dolphin Safari or Jackie

Departures from Tarifa

realization Period: All year round the weather


Rainbow Boat Tour School Groups
Park Sailboat
Aroha Raji

out throughout the year

Price (VAT included):

€ 170 per hour -
Low Season € 200 per hour - high season (June 15 to September 15)

Minimum Length: 2 hours

Capacity: 10 passengers

sighting probability: 95%

Departures from Tarifa Conditioned

recommend: Waterproof clothing

INSURANCE All passengers are available Compulsory Passenger Insurance (SOV) as provided RD1575 of December 22, 1989.


not feed the animals, do not throw anything into the sea, do not shout, do not run on the boat and do not touch animals. Use camera without flash.

We will approach the animal with caution to avoid disturbing them, using the distance, direction and speed recommended by the English Legislation and Regulations ACCOBAMS.

ask that parents / guardians / teachers continuously occupy the children under their responsibility.

use camera without flash. As soon as we notice any sign of disturbance in the behavior of the animals leave the area where the animals. RECOMMEND BRING

Sunscreen, hat, coat and comfortable shoes. If you want to prevent motion sickness can take medicine half hour before boarding.


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in Alaska Team tri

Gravity Team Trip to Alaska 2010 - No Room for Error from ridegravity on Vimeo .

No Room for Error!

Gravity Team Trip to Alaska 2010 - Cliff Lines from ridegravity on Vimeo .

Harookz ...
Gravity Team in Alaska

Alaska, The Last Frontier: The largest state in the USA guarantees you an adventure with its rugged landscape and unforgiving climate. We heard an endless number of tales from the locals of people dying out in the wild. Kelly McGarry, Eric Porter and Chris VanDine put the rubber to the ground in a state which is still largely untouched by freeride mountain bikers.
Check out Harookz photography website here

Check out the videos from this trip on the Gravity website.

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24/3/2011 - FETRI

From the Technical Director of High Performance of the English Triathlon Federation, today we introduce the new Digital Newsletter, an initiative conceived with the aim of getting closer every day to our "Heroes."

Thanks to this newsletter regularly by the team of Juan Rodriguez, Technical Director of the Federation, you will be informed of all the actions undertaken by the Department of High Performance, among which we highlight the detention, training and technical development of young athletes .
a long process that has a great reward: the representation of the English National Team in various international tests: European Championships and the World.

For Jose Hidalgo, President of the English Triathlon Federation, "count in 2010 with 28 international medals and having Triathlon Champion 2010 between us, Javier Gómez Noya, fills us with pride. They are the result of efforts made by our team of Technical Director with the commitment of our young athletes "

We invite you to visit this first issue:

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Philippines alert

A new device for laptops and mobile "blackberry" can warn of natural disasters in the archipelago, said today the Philippine NGO Philippine Business for Social Progress.

The project is based on a system for sending text messages that warn of typhoons, tropical storms, tsunamis, landslides and earthquakes in Southern Leyte province, southeast of the Philippines, one of the areas most affected by such disasters.

"We chose this province because it is one of the ten most affected by natural disasters in the country," the NGO said in a statement.

system paging allows local authorities to receive and disseminate warnings to the population in a few seconds when a looming natural disaster.

The project will cost $ 200 000 has been financed by the World Bank and a telecommunications company in the archipelago.
Philippines is one of the countries most affected by natural disasters each year due to the high incidence of typhoons during the rainy season and high seismic activity, as the archipelago sits on the so-called "ring of fire" in the Pacific.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Greening perez Arzur

There is a problem of the collective work of air traffic controllers that affects 1.2% of the English population (600,000 people) and almost all as lunatics asking you jump to the lynching of this group when the previous day made further reform of the labor system more restrictive, 420 euros off their aid to 688,000 unemployed people who are broke and worse announce drastic changes in pension law that affect 80% of the population and no one gets angry or say anything. "Are you stupid?

You are clamoring for the Government to implement measures that remove the right to sick leave to paid leave and hours labor, military take to the streets "you are idiots? You are reading

who lied on CIA flights, where Couso, Gonzalez was the X-GAL, which people charged in the plot PP Gürtel, there are politicians who claim more than 230,000 euros a year, but cost us more than 3 billion euros, that corruption in politics is no exception but a rule, they themselves claim the right to charge the maximum retirement with fewer years in the courts and we are asked 40 of trading, bankers get the government to crack down on workers and had to be in jail for crimes of tax fraud proven and not say anything, you take away money to give to those people who takes hundreds of thousands of dollars year, speculated with our money, you still shortchanges the Treasury and quiet are you a dumb?

You have a monarchy that has been enriched in recent years, which supports the powerful, USA, Morocco and everything that smacks of power or money, inherited as in the Middle Ages are you a idiot?

In England or France or Italy or Greece or other countries and young workers appear until violently to defend against such manipulation while in Spain there is hardly anyone moves are you a idiot? You consent

censorship in the media, the party law, judicial manipulation, torture, the militarization of workers just because you do not currently affect you idiots are ye?

know who is all the riffraff of the gossip magazines, football super-rich but never hear anyone like Saramago or Chomsky or other intellectual thousand true and committed to your problems are you a idiot? If many people

yes, we still have some hope of ending the manipulation of politicians and powerful.
If the majority says no, then we're screwed.

THE GOVERNMENT has lowered the salaries of officers, removed the check-baby, frozen, reduced pensions and unemployment assistance, (Unemployment), to confront the crises that have generated the political bank and stock speculators.

We would like to convey to the Government:

Dedicate your efforts to reduce SHAME OF TAX FRAUD, which in Spain is about 23% of GDP (10 points above the European average) and which are lost billions of € uros, fraud affects higher taxes for the honest citizens.

WITH SHAME make a plan for the bank returns to the public treasury of billions of euros Vds. have given them to increase profits for their shareholders and managers, instead of facilitating credit families and businesses, eradicate banking fees and stop charging humble English € 30.01, reduced every time he has run out of balance. Thing that happens every month 1, when they loaded the bill of schools, communities, telephone, etc. and have not been paid their payroll.

rein in the excesses of business telephony and ADSL services offered by more expensive in Europe and lower quality.

eliminate duplication of many government by eliminating unnecessary agencies, officials reassigned to race and ending with the charges, and other trusted advisors appointed to positions finger, despite being unnecessary for the most part, are those charged by Sueldazo in public administration and its theoretical function can be more qualified for many public officials are entitled and unfortunately underutilized. DO

corrupt politicians of their party to return the money equal to the harm they have caused to the public treasury mismanagement and / or its misdeeds, and harden the Criminal Code proceedings faster and exemplary punishment for them.

Indecent, is that the minimum wage of a worker is of 624 € / month and a deputy of 3,996, being able, through diet and other privileges, to 6,500 € / month. And many more for various reasons that can be added.

Indecent, is a teacher, a teacher, a university professor or a surgeon in public health, earn less than the council of a municipality celebrations third.

Indecent, is that politicians will raise their salaries at the rate they feel like (always unanimously, of course, and the beginning of the term).

Indecent, is that a citizen has to contribute 35 years to receive a pension and for Members to be sufficient only seven, and that members of government to collect the maximum pension, just need to take the oath of office.

Indecent, is that Members are the only workers (?) In this country that are exempt from taxation a third of his salary from income tax.

Indecent, is placed on the administration to thousands of advisers = (read-paid cronies would like to already highly qualified technicians)

Indecent, is the huge money intended to support the parties and trade stalls, approved by the same politicians living in them.

Indecent, is that a politician is not required to pass a minimum competency test to hold office (or cultural or intellectual).

Indecent, is the cost to citizens meals, official cars, drivers, travel (always classy) and credit cards everywhere. Indecent

Not that the salary freeze their lordships, but it does not fall.

Indecent, is that their Lordships have six months of vacation a year.

Indecent, is that ministers, secretaries of state and senior policy when they cease, are the only citizens of this country that can legally receive two salaries of public funds.

And whatever the color of the government, politicians toooooooodos benefit from this modern "droit de seigneur" while no changes in the law governing it.
And who the change? Are they the same? Já.

there collecting signatures for a bill to "face and eyes" to end these privileges, and others.

Make this Congress comes through your friends.

YES THIS SHOULD BE ONE OF THOSE CHAINS THAT DO NOT BREAK, BECAUSE WE CAN ONLY REMEDY TO PUT THIS, AND THIS, IF YOU bring years of bad luck if we do not remedy, at stake is our future and our children .


Monday, March 21, 2011

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This new invention is based on a system to make the bed automatically and comfortable for the user
In the field of technology and inventions that are there as a suitable bed but this is brand new Due to its special operation.

bed is pulling his sheets and when the user empties the frame that has a mattress on a base with legs and that each side has a trapezoidal door pushing a slider that has a fixed wheel and an impeller.
The invention incorporates a mechanism which includes the pillow and rises during the process.

Ascensio Zubeldia Their inventor is a English Jauregui which has revolucionadoo the concept of comfort. This has already filed a patent application PCT.

Alvaro Omar Franco and Poo

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artificial muscles made robots better than humans

Building muscles man is one step closer, but not just talking about artificial muscles that mimic human muscles, but also exceeded them.
Progress has been made by scientists at the University of Texas, and be able to expand and contract by up to 220% by simply applying a single voltage.
This is achieved through nanotechnology. It will also be light, with just 1.5 milligrams of the material is sufficient to cover an area of \u200b\u200b30 square meters.
Given its high temperature resistance (can operate from -196 ° C to 1538 ° C) may be used in extreme land operations but also in future space operations.

Omar Franco Alvaro Poó

Sunday, March 20, 2011

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13 new genes for heart disease

An international scientific consortium which includes a hundred research centers announced the discovery of 13 new genes associated with risk for coronary artery pathology, namely the narrowing of the vessels that prevents the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart. The influence of most of these genes is independent of other known risk factors. With the discovery doubles the number of discovered genes that are related to heart disease. A total of 23 genes known to affect these conditions, only half a dozen may be related to risk factors like cholesterol or high blood pressure.

persentan the findings in three articles published in the journal Nature Genetics , which shows to what extent is a complex biological mechanism that leads to heart disease. Scientists have studied genetic samples 140,000 people of European descent that are unprecedented third heart enferemdad family, and the rest, forming the study's control group.

"The consortium has considered 10 times more samples than most research so far, so we have greatly increased power to detect small genetic variations," says Robert Roberts, University of Ottawa (Canada). "From now on our work must focus on understanding how these genes and develop new drugs to act on them and to identify the people who most benefit from reduced risk of heart attack and other heart problems.

Researchers have shown that up to 40% of coronary artery disease can be prevented by controlling cholesterol and blood pressure and avoiding the snuff and other harmful habits. The experts warn than half the risk of a heart attack due to genetic factors.

Source: Tes

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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coat will not suffice to prevent pneumonia. Geologists call

Dr. Chun-Sick of Seoul National University Hospital (Korea. S) expressed that the use of antacids may increase the risk of pneumonia after reviewing several studies.

"They are the second best-selling drugs worldwide. Over the past 40 years, the development of better drugs that suppress gastric acid secretion, and inhibitors of proton Bompa (Omeprazole ), have been associated with significant improvement of the upper digestive tract, "say the researchers in the latest edition of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

The potential would be that the acidity of gastric juice can eliminate bacteria the food we eat. To suppress acid secretion, bacteria that colonize the stomach may be able to reach the respiratory tract and cause infections like pneumonia.

"Given the widespread use of inhibitors of proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor of histamine (like Zantac), to clarify the potential impact of suppressive therapy of stomach acid on the risk pneumonia is highly relevant to public health, "added the researchers.

Our results suggest that the widespread use of these drugs was associated with an increased risk of pneumonia, so this implication is serious. If we assume that there are 19.7 cases of pneumonia per 1,000 people not receiving antacids and admitted to a hospital and if we also assume that the risk of respiratory disease associated with consumption of the products is 1.22 to 1 27 times more, you can expect between 24 and 25 cases of pneumonia per 1,000 users of these medications, "highlights the Korean scientists.

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studies of natural hazards on the nuclear

President the Association of Geologists, Luis Suarez, proposed Wednesday to "deepen" in studies of natural disasters "to eliminate any doubt about the safety of the English plants."

Noting that "none are located in areas of seismic risk peninsular," Suarez said that "the only potential risk" to the English plants "would be the flooding that could disable, where appropriate, systems of power to the cooling mechanisms. "

"To date there has been no warning for that reason, so from the College advocate caution and natural hazard maps to pinpoint possible areas flooded," said Suarez.

Faced with the possibility of extending the life of the plants, the president of the Association of Geologists noted the importance of "updating and renewing the geological, seismic and possible active faults."

Finally, the expert reported that "the big energy bet College of Geologists is geothermal energy. "In his opinion, this is" a clean, safe, inexpensive, indigenous and limitless. "

" Spain has great potential and we should take advantage of geothermal "Smith concluded.

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Karangetang Volcano erupts in Indonesia after the earthquake

Karangetang volcano , one of the most active of Indonesia, entered erupted Friday in the Celebes hours after that an earthquake of 8.9 magnitude on Richter scale shook northwestern Japan and triggered a tsunami.
The volcano began to expel from its crater cloud of gas and lava down its slopes has decreased.
More than 300 people were evacuated after the authorities issued a red alert for volcano eruption.
The mountain of 1,784 meters, located on the island of Siau already entered erupted last August, killing four people.
Indonesia is seated in the "Ring of Fire Pacific an area of \u200b\u200bgreat seismic and volcanic activity is shaken by some 7,000 earthquakes per year.

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breakthrough in the use of genes to treat Parkinson's in Town Volcanic activity

The Parkinson's disease and has been a very research tigada by scientists and medical products and very negative effects on the patients TES qu and prevent them to accomplish His s normal daily activities d, besides is not precisely in and a rarity in developed countries.
brain activity
With Parkinson's and neurological diseases in general has long been problems and confusion in their treatment, due to the difficulty of acting on the nervous tissue but in recent decades with the development of genetics and its application to medicine are making great advanced ces in the treatment of this and other types of patients ages.

in the U.S. has succeeded in improving the status of several patients suffering from Parkinson's disease by gene therapy known as NLX-P101.
this therapy was achieved by examining the effect of the introduction of the gene for the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in the subthalamic nucleus of patients, compared with resp after et up to surgery. Scheme taken from the ABC represents the process of therapy.

therapy was the introduction of the GAD gene via a vector (a virus carrying the gene) which transfers it to the DNA of neurons, which causes it to produce the enzyme which releases a neurotransmitter ( GABA) exists in a very small number of patients whose deficit is causing the lack of control of voluntary movements, rigidity and tremor.

The treatment has been a marked improvement in 22 patients and as an enhancement of the tremor, gait, movements, and posture and the ability to make more fluid movements and a reduction freezing periods in which some patients are unable to move.

This therapy has produced great results for patients but it remains unclear how long the effects remain positive and if need be carried out regularly this therapy in patients to maintain genes.



Friday, March 18, 2011

Interesting Facts Syphilis


For six days in Ciudad Real in the geyser with a Calatrava Bolaños to activity constant volcanic, there has been an intensification of this activity.

There was a volcanic cauldron in which water has begun to flow steadily flooding the area. Geomorphology Research Group, Land and Landscape in volcanic regions (Geovol) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha directed by Professor Elena González Cárdenas has calculated that the amount of water that has been dating for the jet these days is approximately the 400,000 to 500,000 liters per hour that have waterlogged about nine hectares of land. In addition of water have been producing gas fugitive emissions. The emergence of this phenomenon has attracted the interest of the scientific community has been studying the hive.

Apparently the hive is located on an enclosed area that has no natural outlet and is situated on a small maar, a volcanic crater underground.

Source: the world

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They study new materials for hydrogen storage

National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) study new materials to store hydrogen by a reversible method, safe and economically viable.
This will allow the use of energy that can make hydrogen in an optimal way to alternative sustainable energy from fossil fuels, using hydrogen as alternative fuel is a topic that has gained great importance worldwide as is the case England and the U.S., who invest large sums of money in research, production, storage and how to get energy through cells combustible.Se claims these is the energy that will power future it does not pollute and renewable energy is very safe, it maximum would not be controlled if the reaction would be an explosion but no radiation are released, the problem is that you get to draw many amounts of energy since it does not yet have the necessary technology.

Most research in the world are directed to hydrogen storage in a compact and light, especially for the automotive industry, and therefore we study the optimization of different methods including high pressure, extreme cold and chemicals
Obtaining this power is based on separating the water molecule hydrogen much energy this process releases but it is very difficult with current technology

This new material is directed to study the adsorption capacity or commitment of the hydrogen atoms to transition metal surfaces, chemical compounds that have structures similar to three-dimensional porous nano-sized buckets or tanks where it is possible to store hydrogen.

This energy can be used (they are developed and sold) to load any type of computer equipment, phones and even cars

Professor: Pedro physical photovoltaic / 03/16/estudian-nuevos-materiales-para-almacenar-hidrogeno /

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The genetics joins the war against bacteria

medicine since he declared war on bacteria, with the discovery of penicillin The two have been constantly struggling to get some advantage. And, over time, the bacteria become resistant to certain antibiotics. Then scientists develop new drugs, new bacteria develop resistance, and so on. But some scientists believe that genetic can become a key weapon in this battle, with doctors analyzing genomes of bacteria in treating certain diseases. And this week, a team from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute published a study in the journal Science, which they say provides the first genetic portrait of the evolutionary war between medicine and bacteria. The study shows that bacterial genetics can be complicated. In the case of humans, for example, the DNA of a person happens to their children, who in turn is inherited by their children and so the entire tree . Bacteria, however, are much more playful. Each time they divide in two, you inherit their DNA to their offspring. But also exchange DNA with other bacteria, thus changing its genetic code.

the laboratory to the hospital

The study was able to unravel the differences between two ways of transmitting the bacteria's DNA Streptococcus pneumoniae and draw your family tree . And we could also find out how these bacteria respond to different antibiotics, how they became resistant and how that resistance is spreading across the planet. It was the first time a complete genome study to measure the genetic response to medicine. The ease with which researchers can now obtain complete genomes bacterial pathogens can find answers to questions that were previously impossible or very difficult to think of responding. And although other studies have reached similar conclusions, a review published in the same issue of Science says that "believing we already know all this is not realizing the importance of this study, which achieved a single experiment, providing more information than was achieved in 15 years of research. " study a complete genome is also becoming increasingly cheap and Dr Stephen Bentley, Sanger Institute, believes that can change the way diseases are treated. "In principle, every time someone gets sick we could isolate the genome of the bacterial infection, whether it is tough, how it behaves in humans and linked to a database to monitor the behavior of an outbreak," he said the BBC. And, in the journal Science, Professors Mark Enright and Brian Spratt, who outlined the study, said: The ease with which researchers can now obtain complete genomes bacterial pathogens can find answers to questions that were previously impossible or very difficult to think of responding. One of those questions is how the bacterial pathogens especially virulent or antibiotic resistant spread within hospitals or clinics in a region. And to Dr. Bentley, genetics will become a normal part of hospital practice in five or 10 years. Sources


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Japan's earthquake moves the Earth's axis 15 cm

The day length was shortened by 1.8 millionths of a second.

Richard Gross, a scientist at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, has found that after the earthquake in Japan last Friday , the Earth's axis has moved about 15 centimeters, twice during the earthquake in Chile, 2010 . "According to my calculations," says researcher-day length was shortened by 1.8 millionths of a second. " A time when we must add the 1.2 millionths of a second we lost after the Chilean earthquake.

Initial data suggested on Friday that the earthquake displaced 2.4 meters on the island of Honshu, the main archipelago, and moved the axis of the earth about ten centimeters. But further analysis and more detailed have raised that figure to 15 centimeters which has a direct impact on the length of days . At first he said that as a result of the earthquake's days were shortened by 1.6 millionths of a second. Now experts believe they have been shortened by 1.8 millionths of a second and warn that further study could again change these quantities.

A terrestrial day lasts about 24 hours, or what is the same, about 86,400 seconds. Throughout the year, this time varies by about a millisecond (or billionths of a second), due to variations in the distribution estcionales mass the planet. In addition, the Earth does, naturally, its own mass redistributions, most of which occurs as a consequence of the interactions of tectonic plates .

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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First transmission of HIV by a living donor transplant

New York hospital name has not transpired yet, but the case. A patient who have transplanted a kidney from a living donor has contracted HIV because the person who extracted the body was infected. It is the first recorded case of transmission by this route since the 80's, which were approved controls to prevent these infections.

As reported by a Health Department spokesman in New York to "The Wall Street Journal, the hospital continued to all controls and established protocols to ensure the safety of organs." Apparently, what has happened is that the donor had sex without protection after he was made the necessary tests to see if he was fit to donate and before he extracted the kidney.

Current guidelines recommend that donors be analyzed to see if they have HIV or hepatitis viruses B or C about two weeks before the donation. Furthermore, they performed a comprehensive questionnaire to determine if risk behaviors remain or have been recently in prison, among other issues.

appears that within these 14 days (between the evidence given 'suitable' and seprodujo surgery) the donor became infected with HIV in any risk and consequently also the recipient of the kidney. Transmission occurred in 2009 but the New York health officials have been aware of it recently and have begun to alert other hospitals to take precautions.

"It's a very unfortunate event, but extremely rare", recognizes Rafael Matesanz, director of the National Transplant Organization (ONT), which states that "Spain has never happened." According

Matesanz "within two weeks between the tests and the donation is reasonable. The only danger is that the donor, at this time is in the window period, when they are infected but the virus is not detected blood, and tests can not detect who is HIV positive. But to counter this risk, questionnaires on their behavior, that in case of doubt, the court can rule. "

Although not used as a consolation, Matesanz states that "the prognosis of the recipient need not be bad, because although it must take HIV treatment for life, does not have to reject your new kidney."

At other times, very little Frequently, there have been cases of HIV transmission through organ transplants, but it was always dead donors and unlike this case. It happened in Chicago in 2007 and Italy in the same year, but this time was for a medical error.

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selective sweeps and human evolution

When natural selection favors a beneficial mutation, neighboring genes within the same chromosome are also selected. This is called linkage drag and to calculate the speed at which the selected mutation is fixed in the population. In the case a mutation that involves a significant survival advantage, the dramatic and rapid fixing it in the population may reduce the variability of the nucleotides close, not giving time to the accumulation of variations on them. In this case we will have produced what is known as a "selective sweep."

In humans there is evidence of selective sweeps in several chromosomes, as in the case of pigmentation of the skin, hair, teeth morphology or the ability to digest lactose. Some researchers have proposed that selective sweeps have been very common in the evolution of Homo sapiens . However, a recent study published in Science on February 18 and has been carried out by a team of geneticists from the Universities of Chicago, Oxford and Jerusalem, is to support the opposite view: it is very selective sweeps may be an exception and not the norm in human evolution.

By computer analysis of 179 genomes belonging to individuals from Europe, Asia and Africa, the study shows that selective sweeps have been rather rare in human evolution. The researchers found that, unlike as expected by recurrent selective sweep model, the regions surrounding specific mutations of the human being did not show lower variability than those in regions close to synonymous substitutions. These data indicate, the team that selective sweeps have been the predominant model of human adaptation in the last 250,000 years, although not ruling that may be more important in other species.

One of the reasons why the selective sweeps are not important in the human species may consist of widely dispersed that the species has had in its history throughout the world. In this scenario, a beneficial mutation would a long way before them to propagate.

We are obliged to resort to more elaborate models to explain the genetic mechanisms of adaptation in the human lineage, said Molly Przeworski, one of the geneticists at the University of Chicago.

Source: ScienceNews

Daniel Hermida Cabrera 1 º Bach. B

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life easy for the horses for 55 million years

horses appeared in North America about 55 million years, over time, increased body size, reduced the number of fingers of their paws and developed big teeth. An international research team has conducted a thorough analysis of the teeth. By examining the wear patterns of the molars, this trait due to the feeding of animals throughout their history.

And the conclusion is that most of the oldest populations of horses the pressure to develop ever larger molars was weak, therefore, over those 55 million years, the horses, in evolutionary terms, what have had it easy.

6500 Scientists have analyzed 222 fossil different populations of over 70 extinct species of horses.
In the past million years has greatly reduced the number of species of horses and the diet is more restricted.

Petrosyan Rosana 1, Bach.B
Source: El Pais (newspaper digital)

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born in Spain, the first child without a gene linked to cancer

For the first time in Spain, Catalan researchers have presented the first genetically selected baby before birth to avoid suffering a mutation strongly linked to breast cancer.

A woman came with her partner assisted reproduction program in Barcelona to avoid the long family history of cancer to offspring.

Once approved, the preimplantation genetic diagnosis procedure is simple, consists in several eggs fertilized for several embryos, of which select only those who lack the mutation in BRCA1 (gene carriers whose tumors often suffer the breast, ovaries or pancreas). Finally, two embryos were implanted but only one survived, becoming the first baby born in Spain free of genetic inheritance of cancer, although this does not mean they are free to 100% chance of having a cancer but the mutation that would have course have a chance of having a tumor of 80% at ages many earlier than normal.

Sources: The World

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More than 100 Cuban professionals plant sciences submitted on 28 February this year his main scientific results at the First National Conference on Botany to meet in six provinces.

said that the exchange is for the application of the best experiences in this branch of biology that deals with the study of plants, algae and fungi.

The First National Day of Botany envisages the planting of endemic species in Villa Clara, and the inauguration of the remodeling of the herbarium at the University of Educational Sciences "José Martí", Camagüey. Rounding

workshop activities on endangered species in Cienfuegos, the creation of the thematic section on Conservation of Cuban plants of SoCuBot, student meetings, conferences and roundtables.

This association was founded on July 14, 1944 in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana, and is its Botanical Garden situated in the grounds of the Quinta de los Molinos del Rey.


Date: 27 February 2011

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its first national day bids farewell to the Discovery space forever

The space shuttle Discovery returned to Earth after completing his last mission, which ends 26 years of NASA service, whose director said the success of all trips made by this "great ship space.

During his career the ship has carried the Hubble Space Telescope, the Japanese Kibo laboratory and several segments of the backbone of the ISS. The Discovery has been the first shuttle piloted by a woman.

was referring to the government's plan for space exploration that includes more cooperation with the private sector to make commercial ships and has new goals, such as Mars.

Discovery landed at 16.57 GMT as scheduled, at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on a sunny morning. On board became the commander of STS-133, Steve Lindsey, pilot Eric Boe and specialists Alvin Drew, Steve Bowen, Michael Barratt and Nicole Stott.

Discovery led to the International Space Station Multi Module Leonardo, which can accommodate physical experiments with fluids, material science, biology, biotechnology and other areas.

This mission lasted 12 days, 19 hours and 56 minutes a day longer than planned, has been full of surprises for the astronauts, one day before they were awakened again live on the rock band Big Head Todd & The Monsters.

The Discovery space shuttle is the third to be added to the fleet of five orbiters that NASA has used for thirty years for its manned missions.

The National Museum of Air and Space takes place with a score of institutions to be the new home of the Discovery that is dedicated to the public, initiate a new stage in his career.


Jaenes Alberto Murillo, Eduardo Gómez Navarro

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Espresso, a project to search for planets similar to Earth

ESO has committed about 20 percent of the cost of the instrument, which is about four million euros, and now requires the commitment of countries in favor of the project and its operation, which are Switzerland, Portugal, Italy and Spain.

funding from those four countries is that Espresso is an initiative of the Geneva Observatory, the National Institute of Astrophysics in Italy, the Port Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics Institute of Canarias (IAC).

And is that the measurement of velocities of stars is by far, the most successful method to detect planets around other stars. Rafael Rebolo said today it is easy to detect gas giant planets, larger and more massive than the rocky, and recalled that there are several known possible rocky planets around stars that are smaller. According to Rafael Rebolo

with Espresso would be possible to detect planets of a similar size to Earth and sufficiently distant from its star, so that the surface temperatures would be more similar to Earth.

Spain therefore has an interest in the project to go forward, but another thing is how difficult it is to get funding in times of economic crisis like the present.

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The State Government has delivered more than 800 alternative power equipment to families of the five municipalities that have demanded the service, but because of their dispersion and distance from urban centers was difficult to incorporate the conventional service, said the director of the Energy and Telecommunications Studies Francisco Sandoval, who said that these actions have been implemented equity and agreed to by the order of 17 million pesos.
explained that during the current administration has channeled a total of 820 non-conventional energy equipment including photovoltaic equipment stand Basic Lighting for the extraction of water and solar refrigerators among others. A program has thrived since 2005, when it began with the delivery of six teams to complete this government to the 820 already mentioned.
said the work carried out so far in terms of electrification has allowed the incorporation of more than 50 000 Baja California Sur and Baja California Sur this service so that in Baja California Sur, 97.7% of the population have this service.
In the case of alternative electrification, said it carried out mainly in rural areas throughout the five boroughs as well as fishing camps, as the dispersion and density of these population centers, as well as the remoteness of the energy networks impeded his entry into service as that applied this strategy to enable families to provide electric power to meet their basic needs.
recalled that with an investment of more than 300 million pesos through actions agreed with de Electricidad, the state government has executed more than 300 works of conventional or alternative electrification in urban and rural communities throughout the five boroughs, whose families have substantially improved their quality of life.
Francisco Sandoval noted that coordination has been achieved with Electricity, which has enabled a attention to a compromise that established the State Government with the residents of those areas that have waited for years for this important service that translates into a better life.
Daniel Hermida Cabrera 1 º Bach. B