Friday, October 22, 2010

Chamomile Tea Benefits

screens of the future, on sale in 2011 Returning to old habits

was recently awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 at two research University of Manchester, Andre Geim and Novoselov Konstantin. The reason for the award was that they had been isolated for the first time, a material that was supposed its existence but had not yet been created artificially: graphene. Formed by carbon atoms (as graphite, carbon or diamond), but whose structure is markedly different: they are arranged in a single sheet.

On the uses of graphene could write a book (probably has already, or will be): conductors or superconductors at low temperatures, body armor, ... Today we only use as screens.

But for starters, what is the graphene and what makes it so special?

Well, as we have said graphene is a material composed of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagon with one atom thick. It also presents some physical qualities that make it a unique material. Without going into theoretical physics, suffice to say that graphene is a semiconductor as we know of no other today. Or silicon, currently excellence semiconductor electronics industry (or industry in general) can be compared with the physical properties of graphene. Also presented. however, several drawbacks, especially as its use as a substitute for silicon is concerned. Even today we use it can have, we are only beginning to "know" the end of the day. Why

is supposed to be so special then its use as a screen? The truth is that not look anything like the screens that exist today. Infinitely thin LED or LCD screen, has a thickness of just one atom. This, along with flexibility, we offer the opportunity to save a screen in our pockets without any problems. A picture will explain this better than words:

Samsung is expected that the market the first screens of graphene in 2011. And this is only the beginning of a small revolution we live. Imagine that with a screen whose size can vary to your liking, you could keep in your pocket, you could read the newspaper, book, television or the internet anywhere. On a more simple, economical and comfortable than a mobile art ould do so. You could wrap the wrist and use it as a clock (also allow very precise measurement of weather conditions due to the sensitivity of graphene). For this, the truth is that there are not many years. According to specialists, at most ten years, and probably less.

To end this introductory material is expected to enable some progress recently in disitintos unthinkable areas of science and industry (some of these fields I am sure we can not even imagine yet), here a video we see exactly what we were talking about:


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