Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Mom In Bra & Panties

is difficult to do this a day without much free time, so at least I upload a video comparing the size of some stars and planets, if you have not seen I suggest you open it.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Taurus Airsoft 24/7 Canada

Size matters Ultra Deep Field - Ultra Deep Field

call it "the most important image ever taken."

is actually not a single photograph, but a set of them, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope between 2003 and 2004. In the picture, the myriad of galaxies we see is located about 13,000 million light years away *, which means we're seeing what was in the universe just 800 million years after the Big Bang. The first galaxies that existed.

The image makes an impact at an early stage. Each tiny dot on it is actually a galaxy with hundreds of thousands of stars, and the number of galaxies that are impossible to count. And this is just a small portion of the sky as the Hubble peered for months. Does feel a little insignificant, while distressing to think the remaining years to actually travel to other worlds. Although, as Carl Sagan said, "we be happy because we are, in fact, the first time in human history where we are visiting other planets. "

Ultra Deep Field

(Click and zoom in to see this image and its importance)

Video in English, without subtitles recommended

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Spore Game Needs Internet Access

article about the LHC and String Theory

Without no time these days to update the blog, I put the link of a Luis E. Ibáñez article published in the October issue of Scientific American magazine.
If I have time to add new items from me, I'll upload videos from Youtube or interesting news articles and blog mantega the day;)

String theory and the LHC

Monday, November 16, 2009

Scrapbook Layouts For Disney

unknown location: Zapovednik Kronotsky

"Some places of this planet are so wonderful and so fragile, that perhaps we should not visit. Maybe we should just look at them from a distance "

Thinking an article to this blog, I came to mind the ability to talk about areas of the Earth are unknown to most. What keep talking about landscapes such as tropical forests, deserts and so forth? All is well seen and, even today, can not believe it is already not only unknown landscapes, but also isolated from the rest of the world. In today's article we will discuss a natural park that meets both conditions. Kronotsky Nature Park.

Kronotsky Zapovednik (or Kronotski, depending on where you read it) is a nature reserve located in the Russian Far East, the Kamchatka Peninsula. Bordered by the Pacific Ocean about 1500 km north of Japan, is about 9000 km from Spain.

Kamchatka Peninsula

Kronotski The peculiarity is given by the restricted entry : over 3000 non-scientists are allowed entry each year in addition to the input of scientists who are devoted to the study of flora, fauna and local geology. Because Kronotski is a geologically very attractive. As seems to repeat itself across the globe, geologically active areas (Yellowstone or Iceland for example) are usually also a great natural beauty. Of course no accident. Indeed they say among geologists that due to the movement of tectonic plates in a few million years, the people of Montana will walk between Yellowstone geysers and strangulation growing potatoes for McDonalds (geologic points as Yellowstone leave behind fertile plains to grow, as today we are in Idaho). Yellowstone, incidentally, also deserves a separate entry.

Pacific tectonic plate is subducted beneath Asia resulting in a string of volcanoes and steaming valleys. Because Kronotski is also, the volcano that gives the park its name.

Kronotski Volcano
(Click for photo in original size)

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis post is to give to know a place so remote and isolated like this. So I do not focus on too many explanations. I think it's enough to contemplate the pictures to enjoy this place, with no separate data.

Valley of Geysers

not only the geological beauty can be enjoyed in Kronotski, about 700 copies of brown bears, the largest of their species live on the reservation.

Grizzly Bears and their offspring in Zapovednik Kronotski

Along the Valley of the Geysers and Kronotski own volcano, known as the boiler is Uzon one of the most spectacular geological features of the park. A depression which reaches 13 km in diameter, surrounded by mountains, in which we find all kinds of wild flowers, smoke emerging from the rocks, sparkling lakes and forests of birch and dwarf Siberian pine. Then, different snapshots of the Caldera to observe in detail the beauty and variety of its landscapes.

past, the boiler Uzon was one of the main peaks in the area. Erupted about 40,000 years ago, and this depression is what remains of the ancient volcano, now called Uzon by koriak native language, they had to Uzon by a kindly spirit that inhabited the Caldera and helped them to prevent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Contrasts in the boiler Uzon, both photos are inside

Unfortunately, I failed a higher resolution photo Photo by Michael Melford who started the story on the Natural Park of Kronotski in National Geographic that has led me to make this entry. The opening quotation is also the phrase that begins the article by David Quammen.

Michael Melford, National Geographic in February 2009 Spain

And to end this entry, a final overview of the park with the background Kronotski. Comments are welcome from readers;).

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Average Bmi Of Females In Other Countries By Age

confirm the existence Water on the Moon blog creation

The U.S. Space Agency ( NASA) announced the discovery of "significant quantities" of water on the Moon, which opens a new chapter in the Earth exploration satellite.
agency had hit a rocket and a probe into a large crater at the south pole of the moon waiting for detecting ice on its surface.

Scientists have been studying the data now say that the instruments designed to capture information during the impact found significant amounts of water vapor in the debris cloud.
One researcher described the find as the equivalent of "a dozen containers of two gallons" of water. 1.6
The tag miles of debris was captured by the Sensible Satellite Lunar Crater Observation (LCROSS for its acronym in English) last month when he did hit into a crater near the lunar south pole
The researchers were able to analyze the dust, steam and rocks that were uplifted by the collision, which occurred in an area that receives no sunlight and has an average temperature of -240 degrees Celsius. Moon Secrets

The existence of water ice in craters at the lunar poles had already been postulated by scientists but not confirmed.
"We are revealing the mysteries of our nearest neighbor, and by extension, the solar system," said Michael Wargo, chief of lunar scientists in NASA headquarters in Washington.
"The moon holds many secrets and the LCROSS has added a new level to our knowledge."
The identification of ice in the cloud of debris is important from a scientific standpoint, but also, as noted by the BBC journalist for scientific, Paul Rincon, because a water source on the moon could be vital for exploration future human.
NASA plans to send astronauts back to lunar satellite 2020, and aims to establish a manned base by humans to serve as a bridge to more ambitious space travel.

Link to the news of the BBC

This first entry I wanted to make on the announcement made today by NASA. The information is taken from the BBC website, and although it is my intention that the blog contains too many "foreign news" articles from other web entirely, I think this was a good start given the importance of finding and it has made public a few hours ago. The blog's intention is to create the compiled information from various sources, not the simple "copy and paste."

And today the only worth asking whether this finding, the White House seriously engaging new missions to the Moon. Given the current scenario, I'll bet you still take a few years to see progress in this regard. What do you think?

Digital Slr Camera Parts And Functions

For those who enter through here, welcome to the blog Science and Technology. In the absence of a more original name, the name says exactly what this blog. Disftrutais
Everyone talking about these issues and the latest developments enterándoos, are welcome. This just started;)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Probability Calculator Pregnancy


Now the School of Electronic Engineering has satellite dish which will serve for students to conduct their practices in telecommunications.

His armed took place on Saturday June 6 in Hall D 4th floor with the participation of Ing Morales School Principal, teachers and Ing Ing Cerna Duber. In addition to the participation of the students present.

also made their participation former students including myself.

orientation adjustments were made with the help of GPS and tools in Google Earth.

hope that students will take advantage of this useful tool, and that the school continue to acquire more equipment for the benefit of students.